New Photography Website

I have finally taken the plunge to set up a proper photography website and, as you've found your way here, you will already have seen it. I did have one using the Viewbug set-up but it really wasn't up to scratch and wasn't cheap so it had to go. I'm now using Lightrocket which seems pretty good.


It was a bit of a faff getting my domain name set up and transferred over as that was previously administered by Viewbug (meaning they could cream off a bit of extra cash in the process) but I'll count that as learning experience. The number of people/orgs involved just with a web domain name was really rather confusing for a beginner like me but we got there in the end.


And it seemed a good idea to have a blog to go with my new website to talk about my photography, mental health, life etc. I have long-term mental health issues and photography is my main 'self-therapy' for that. The flipside is that the photography is more difficult because of those issues. I'll try and describe how the two interract as we go.


I started the website with galleries for Nottingham, London, the Peak District, vehicles and live music photography. I've also got a 'recent stuff' gallery. Since then I've added galleries for infrared photography and National Trust properties. More will be added soon. I do hope that you like them.



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